Veteran Friendly Accredited Practice

Quote / Testimonial:

We are proud to be a Veteran Friendly Accredited Practice.

If you are a Veteran patient, please do let us know that you have served in the Armed Forces. This is so we can make sure you receive the most appropriate and best care, if and when you ever need it.

Our Clinical Lead for Veterans is Dr Jo Jenkins.

You can learn more about the accreditation and how it supports veteran patients, here:

Non-urgent advice: As a Veteran Friendly Accredited Practice, our team: 

Recognises the importance of identifying veteran patients within our community

Understands the unique health needs that veterans may have

Strives to provide veterans with the very best care and support 

Knows about the specialist veteran healthcare services that exist 

Undertakes regular training and development to ensure we’re able to deliver the very best care to veterans in our community and meet the health commitments of the Armed Forces Covenant

Useful Information for our Veterans